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April 23, 2009
Stafford County Sheriff's Office Announces the Annual Party Pooper Campaign

Stafford, Va.  The Stafford County Sheriff's Office will, once again, be rolling out the Party Pooper campaign aimed at curbing underage drinking.  The Sheriff’s Office is planning extra patrols for the upcoming prom and graduation weekends in Stafford County. 

Sheriff Charles Jett acknowledges that prom and graduation weekends are very special times for young people.  Sheriff Jett states, “We want to make sure that all of our young people have a wonderful prom and graduation experience and have an opportunity to have that special time in a safe, alcohol free environment. We take this campaign very seriously and will be maximizing our efforts to ensure that any teenage parties or gatherings are alcohol free.”

The Party Pooper Program has three important phases.  The first phase is the gathering of intelligence concerning the location of parties or gatherings where minors would be consuming alcohol.  The second phase is the getting the word out to the public and the media concerning the intent of this program, namely, having an alcohol free environment for the students participating in prom or graduation activities.  The third phase is strict enforcement that will include the arresting and or summonsing of minors in violation of alcohol laws as well as any adult found contributing, aiding or abetting.  Specific patrols will be in a caravan, responding to parties or gatherings where alcohol is being served to minors.  Undercover deputies will be utilized to infiltrate parties where alcohol is being served and consumed by minors.  The Party Pooper campaign will start at prom season and will continue through graduation weekend.    

The Stafford County Sheriff's Office is also working in partnership with local businesses such as hotels, motels and convenience stores.  These businesses are helping the Sheriff’s Office ensure compliance of state laws in regard to the purchasing of alcohol by minors or the consumption of alcohol by teenagers in areas they may be gathering for after prom or graduation celebrations.