Campus law enforcement agencies across the Commonwealth want you to be aware of the consequences for underage drinking. If you are of legal drinking age, it may be tempting to provide alcohol to an underage student. Don’t do it! You can be held liable for drinking-related injuries, jeopardizing your academic career and future employment.
Get involved in Prevention:
Contact your campus law enforcement, health, counseling and student affairs organizations to connect with on-campus initiatives or start a new one!
Join a growing Virginia social media conversation among youth and young adults that celebrates active, fun lifestyles without drinking underage or driving impaired: @YourVibeVaand@PartySafeVA
Campus social media community, tweet along with us!
Step UP!: Step UP! is a pro-social behavior and bystander intervention program that educates students to be proactive in helping others.
FailSafe: FailSafe is a web-based toolkit that engages and empowers student leaders to assess, manage, and reduce high risk drinking behaviors among members of their student organization.
Virtual Bar App: The Virtual Bar uses the latest science to help you not only get a better understanding of how different factors affect your blood-alcohol concentration – or BAC – on an individual level, but also can help you see how your night could go depending on the food you eat, the water you drink throughout the night, and other important variables. It also helps give you a sense of how long it would take for your BAC to return to 0.00, which we think will surprise you.
What's more? The Virtual Bar will tell you how you might actually be feeling at different BAC levels to help you relate to and better understand the differences between BAC levels. That's right, we know exactly how you're feeling. We so get you.
In 2018, VACP held student focus groups on three mid-size Virginia campuses across Virginia. The following is a summary of their thoughts and recommendations:
Students have had inadequate conversations about alcohol limits and consequences prior to attending college.
Binge drinking is very prevalent. Negative experiences with alcohol are prevalent.
Students said that campuses "rely' on drinking events as entertainment, and many alumni events substantially involve alcohol. Students want more alcohol-free campus entertainment.
Prevention efforts should also address local restaurants and stores that "serve, supply, and turn a blind eye" to student drinking.
Students want "consistent" and real education and engagement approaches throughout the year (beyond the initial student orientation timeframe). They want campus alcohol policies to be very clear, widely communicated, and consistently applied.
Students want to be able to help their friends and peers – they want: to have designated driver programs, alcoholics anonymous, and other coping programs on campus; to know how to respond to alcohol poisoning incidents; and to be assured of "Good Samaritan" protections so they can more readily call first-responders when their friends and peers need help.
Studies confirm the benefit of incorporating enforcement interventions into programs in colleges and communities directed at alcohol use among young people.
Publicized and intensive enforcement of minimum drinking age and drinking and driving laws as part of campus programs have led to significant reductions of BAC drinking and driving among teenagers and young adults.
The leadership and partnership of law enforcement on community and campus alcohol prevention coalitions is essential for success, mutual support, and consistent coordination of messaging and strategies.
The Virginia BuzzKill – Alcohol Under 21, Your Party’s Over campaign has been made possible through funding from the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles, Virginia ABC, and Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services. Materials for the campaign were adapted with permission from a program of the Drug Free Action Alliance.
Thanks to the following campus law enforcement agencies who helped us launch this effort: Christopher Newport University, Hampton University, J Sergeant Reynolds Community College, Norfolk State University, Tidewater Community Colleges University of Richmond, Virginia Commonwealth University, Virginia Union University.
This campaign was funded through a DMV Highway Safety Grant.
What are Virginia’s laws? Why the concern about underage drinking? What is binge drinking? Why is it dangerous? How much is too much? How do I estimate blood alcohol content (BAC)? How can I be a responsible party host?
Underage Drinking and Impaired Driving Are Illegal in VA
The Code of Virginia makes it illegal for any person under the age of 21 to purchase, possess, or attempt to purchase or possess any alcoholic beverage, and, at all ages, there is zero tolerance for drinking and driving in Virginia.
Studies confirm the benefit of incorporating enforcement interventions into programs in colleges and communities directed at alcohol use among young people.
Publicized and intensive enforcement of minimum drinking age and drinking and driving laws as part of campus programs have led to significant reductions of BAC drinking and driving among teenagers and young adults.
The leadership and partnership of law enforcement on community and campus alcohol prevention coalitions is essential for success, mutual support, and consistent coordination of messaging and strategies.
The Virginia BuzzKill – Alcohol Under 21, Your Party’s Over campaign has been made possible through funding from the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles, Virginia ABC, and Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services. Materials for the campaign were adapted with permission from a program of the Drug Free Action Alliance.
Thanks to the following campus law enforcement agencies who helped us launch this effort: Christopher Newport University, Hampton University, J Sergeant Reynolds Community College, Norfolk State University, Tidewater Community Colleges University of Richmond, Virginia Commonwealth University, Virginia Union University.
This campaign was funded through a DMV Highway Safety Grant.